Camfrog Video Chat 6.4.250

Selamat malam sobat blogger, update lagi n-z-l. Kali ini kita akan membahas software yang pernah n-z-l dulu share, yakni Camfrog Video Chat. Sudah pada tau kan ? bagi yang blum tau Camfrog adalah sebuah software berbasis video call, namun di camfrog memiliki berbagai banyak fitur yang menarik. Saat ini Camfrog rilis versi terbaru Camfrog Video Chat 6.4.250

what is camfrog ?
Camfrog Video Chat is a modern chat client that allows real time video, audio and text chats with up to thousands of participants. The tool enables seeing, speaking and writing to other chat room members simultaneously. Not all video chats require you to have a Webcam, so you can also participate without a camera. Camfrog chats are either private or public and you can make calls to mobile or landline phones. A range of parental controls in Camfrog Video Chat help to protect minors from revealing too much of their privacy and from joining certain chat rooms when using the Instant Messenger. Other settings of the Skype competitor include Privacy and Safety, Video and Audio, History, Languages, and Hotkeys.

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